kalmoni family net worth 2024

Kalmoni family net worth 2024: The Kalmoni group a professional organization of seven independently run companies, made up of three automobile companies, three real estate companies and one ICT company.

What is kalmoni family net worth ?

Japan Motors Trading Company Limited was the first company of the seven to be established in 1965. It grew out of a family motor vehicle spare parts and transport business in cape coast and Swedru, called the “DATSON FRANCHISE’”. Over the years, the transport business served an important purpose; hence, it became obligatory for the Kalmoni family to extend their services to automobile business as well.

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The growth of the Kalmoni I Business Group from one company to seven different companies was as a result of a solid vision which has helped shaped the future the company. Through the years, these seven companies have grown in stature and status. They include Japan Motors, Modern Auto Services, Silver Star Auto, Silver Star Tower, Lakeside Estate, Advance Construction and Oman Fofor Trading Company Limited.

The major driving force behind the success and growth of the Kalmoni Business Group has always been the urgency to satisfy customer needs and good work ethics.

The Kamoni’s believe in the vision of grooming employees to manage executive decisions. Additionally, the Kamoni’s have a very balanced life where they are able to clearly distinguish between their social lives.

In view of the continuous growth of the Kalmoni Business Group, the legacy is usually passed on from generation to generation and it must be noted that the constant upsurge of the companies has always been as a result of hard work, discipline and commitment

Kalmoni Family Net worth

As of 2024, The Kalmoni family net worth is valued at US$ 700 million. making them one of the wealthiest families in Ghana.

Source: Glusea