How to Improve the Mental Health of your Child

Most parents give  more attention to the physical  well being of their children  by giving them nutritious food, sending them for immunizations regularly, helping them with their school assignment among others, but they often neglect the mental health aspect of their responsibilities. The mental well being of a growing child is just as important and necessary as the physical well being and therefore deserves just as much attention as the physical. If you are a parent seeking how you can improve the mental health of your child, the rest of the article will show you how. Keep reading to find out.

Take good Care of your mental health.

Research shows that homes where parents have problems with their mental health, their children are at a higher risk of developing mental health problems as well.  As a parent, you need to be a model for your children, while growing up, children watch what their parents do and imitate. Develop good habits towards sleep, stress management, decision making so as to provide an enabling environment for your children to follow. Seek professional care when you notice changes in your sleep pattern, eating habits and decision making.

Give opportunity for Independence

While children depend on their parents for certain needs such as; food, clothing, safety and security, they sometimes need to be given the opportunity to do certain things for themselves. Always encourage your children to carry out certain task by themselves. Children should be allowed to wash their own clothes, dishes, and other minor tasks. This helps increase a sense of responsibility and confidence in the children. Do not be overly protective of your children

Play Together

How to Improve the Mental Health of your Child
Close up of a young family having a walk by the beach/ Credit: Gettyimages

For a child to be healthy both physically and mentally, the child needs o play. Take time to play with your children. There are several exercise you can play with your children including; planks, squats, jogging can help improve the physical well being of the child. Sand tray therapy is a well known exercise than can improve the mental well being of both children and adults. It is also used by counselors   when dealing with issues of trauma or abuse.  It improves the creative ability of both children and adults.

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Build a Parent Child Relationship

As a parent, the best gift you can give to your family is by spending time with them. Make out time for your children. Assist them with their home works; take them out occasionally for dinner, games, gardens etc. Also allow your children to make friends with other members of the family and neighbors. Social cohesion plays a key role in improving the mental well being of children.

In conclusion, Always protect your children, show them you love and care for them and watch out for warning sign of mental illness or disorders as early detection is a key to good prognosis.
